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Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Eight Healthy Ways to Burn Fat and Build Muscle

There are many ways to be thin and muscular, but in order to be healthy as well, a balanced diet and exercise are essential. Many people believe that if they eat very little, they will burn more fat. This however is not true, when you don't eat enough your metabolism slows down, because your body thinks you're starving and it needs to make the most out of the fat that is already stored in it. Another thing that can happen if you don't eat enough is you can get gastritis. Gastritis is an irritation of the lining of the stomach, which can result in an ulcer and ultimately stomach cancer if it is not taken care of. Protein and Carbs are also essential if you wish to burn fat and build muscle. So now that we have covered the basics let's take a look a few tips:
Eight Healthy Ways to Burn Fat and Build Muscle
1) Drink at least four cups of green tea a day (this does not count toward your minimum water consumption requirements which is about half a gallon a day). Green tea accelerates your metabolism, which in turn helps you burn more fat.
2) Do not exercise every single day, because your body needs time to recover and build muscle.
3) Exercise. To build muscle you must life weights. Men should use higher intensity and do less repetitions and women should use less intensity and do more repetitions. Cardio exercise (running, jogging, etc.) is important, but after 30 minutes you will start to burn muscle rather that fat. So limit your self to 30 minutes a day.
4) Sleep. In order for your whole body to function properly you need at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep. You should not consume food 3 to 4 hours prior to going to bed, because if you do your body will still be partially awake while it is digesting the food. You won't wake up refreshed and ready for your day if you do not follow this advice.
5) Protein Supplements. Protein helps you build muscle. The best time to take your protein supplement is right after working out.
6) Carbs. To avoid feeling light headed or dizzy, it is necessary to consume carbs before a workout. A granola bar, or slice of bread with peanut butter will do.
7) Do not use white sugar, bread, pasta, or rice. Wheat pasta, wheat rice, brown sugar and brown rice are acceptable, but should still be used in moderation. Wheat flour tortillas are also acceptable in small quantities.
8) Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. You can eat them as much as you want with a few exceptions. Such fruits and vegetables as bananas and potatoes are healthy, but should be consumed in moderation to avoid weight gain.
Note: As you build muscle, your weight will increase, so don't pay so much attention to the scale. The weight you will gain will be pure muscle, not fat.
The wonderful thing about, combining exercise and a healthy diet, is that once you start building muscle, the muscle will in turn burn more fat! Follow the healthy diet and exercise tips above and soon you will be on your way to a thinner and more toned you!

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7 day GM diet plan for weight loss

The diet was created for the employees of the General Motors Company to help them get in maximum shape in only a few days and maximize their cognitive capabilities and overall health by following this diet made by nutritionists.

 GM diet plan

The first two days imply consuming only fruits and vegetables(fruits for day 1 and vegetables for day 2). This is the most effective cleansing possible and after these days you will feel and be lighter and you body will be thankful.
If you follow the link above there are many Gm diet resources that can help you achieve your wildest dreams. One interesting fact is that the diet has 3 variations depending on the follower background. There is the Gm diet for indians and the vegetarian/vegan diet that some say is the most effective.
There is even a special soup that you can prepare if you want to try something new and very recommended for weight loss.The soup is called the GM diet soup(i know, not that original) and it has the potential to speed up your metabolism and help you through the diet.

Because of its effectiveness this became fast a worldwide trend and people got really excited by the many success stories and the automated health benefits that came after following the plan.
This is a safe diet for almost everybody and it will help you cleanse your organism at first and then make place for the most essential nutrients like protein, good carbohydrates and some healthy unsaturated fats.
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The Best 3 Carbohydrates For Your Muscle Building Diet Plan

Some people may try to utilize low carb muscle building diets and while they may work for a very select few individuals, about 95% of the population is better off avoiding these. They just don’t supply your body with what it needs to complete the protein synthesis process.

As you go about creating a muscle building diet plan to help you pack on more lean muscle mass than ever before, one nutrient that you definitely cannot do without is the carbohydrate. Carbohydrates are going to be what supplies your body with all the energy that’s required to not only carry out the process of muscle building itself, but also to perform those hard workouts in the gym.

This said, not all carbohydrates are created equally.
If you really want to see the best possible results from your muscle building diet plan then you need to be taking the time to select the best varieties. Let’s have a quick look right now at your top options.

Oats ile ilgili görsel sonucu

Brown Rice
Brown Rice ile ilgili görsel sonucu 
Brown Pasta
brown  pasta ile ilgili görsel sonucu
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